Lead- and cycle-time table metrics#

Lead and cycle time table metrics provide refined granularity for issues.

The lead- and cycle-time properties provide useful metrics about value stream performance. The lead-time property reflects the elapsed-time from project start through final disposition. The cycle-time property reflects the time that individual project elements take to complete.

Lead- and cycle-time table metrics provide deeper insights at the issue level for pinpointing where project time delays are occurring. Lead- or cycle-time drill down tables are accessed on the Insights page via the All Dashboards or My Favorites tabs.

For list layout view, access the lead- or cycle-time table metrics by performing the following:

For card layout view, access the lead- or cycle-time table metrics by performing the following:

Both the Lead Time Table and Cycle Time Table display identical fields detailed in the following table:

Field Description
End Time Date and time completed
Id Issue number
Type Issue type including task, story, bug, and so forth
Name Issue descriptive name
Owner Owner name
Lead Time Lead time metric in days. Note: The lead time only appears in the Lead Time Table.
Cycle Time Cycle time metric in days. Note: The cycle time only appears in the Cycle Time Table.

Additionally, the Lead Time and Cycle Time graphs are also displayed on the same respective pages of the aforementioned tables that you can filter according to your data requirements.

Parent topic: Insights metric chart reference