Installing HCL Accelerate with Docker Compose#

Install HCL™ Accelerate into the Docker Compose container orchestrator.

The ID that you use to install the product must be able to make changes to the host environment. The tools required by all installation scenarios include the following items:

Note: The installation files used for offline installation are not the same as those used for internet-connected installation. Ensure that you download the right file for you installation environment.

If you are performing an offline installation of HCL Accelerate, GraphQL Playground will not load for use.

In addition to the requirements for all installation scenarios, the following items are required for Docker Compose systems:

Note: On Linux, the Docker daemon runs as the root user. If you do not want to use sudo with the docker command, create a Linux group called docker. Ensure that the user who installs the product is a member of that group. See the Docker documentation for more information about managing Docker as the non-root user.

Get a key. The key enables you to complete installation. Visit the HCL Accelerate web portal to obtain your key. After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation email with an access key. Store the key in a readily-available location; you use it during installation.

The installation instructions describe installing the product on all supported operating systems. The downloaded executable file steps you through the installation process and sets your installation parameters.

  1. Download the installation file for your environment.

    Note: For macOS and Linux installations, set the appropriate permissions before running the file: sudo chmod +x.

    Visit the FlexNet download center and select the file for your environment. Or you can download the installation file directly from the following URLs:

  2. Complete installation by responding to the prompts described in the following steps.

    When the script starts, you are prompted to accept the license. You can explicitly accept the license without viewing it by appending the following parameter to the command:

    ./<Accelerate-installation-file\> **--license=accept**

    1. At the Please enter your HCL Accelerate access key prompt, enter your SE version access key.

      If you previously installed an SE version, the already-configured key is the default value.

      Note: Make sure that you enter the key for the right version.

    2. At the Enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default. Key must be at least 8 characters prompt, enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default encryption key.

      Note: The encryption key must be at least 8 characters. Save the encryption key to use for further upgrades.

    3. At the Choose the platform prompt, select Docker Compose.

    4. At the Enter the location where the HCL Accelerate files will be installed prompt, enter the location where you want to install the product files.

      Files are copied to the specified directory in a subdirectory named product_version_number.

    5. At the Please enter the hostname where you will run HCL Accelerate prompt, enter the host name where users can access the Web UI.

      The default value is localhost.

      The host name must resolve to a name on your DNS server, or in the server's hosts file. On Linux, the file location is etc/hosts; on Windows, the location is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

    6. At the Enter the desired port where HCL Accelerate will run prompt, enter the port number for the Web UI.

      The default value is 443.

    7. If you are performing an off-line installation, at the Choose how to receive offline docker images for HCL Accelerate prompt, select one of the following options.

      • Local File System. Copy images to the file system and manually load them into the local Docker registry.
      • Local Docker Registry. Load images into the local Docker registry. This requires the Docker client on the host where the installation script is running.
      • Remote Docker Registry. Load images into the local Docker registry, and then tag the images and push them to a remote Docker registry. This requires the Docker client on the host where the installation script is running. The images are loaded on the local host.
  3. Complete installation by changing to the directory where you installed the product, and start Docker Compose. For example:

    ~/projects/accelerate/ docker-compose up -d

    The HCL Accelerate images are pulled from Docker Hub and configured for Docker Compose.

Access the HCL Accelerate Web UI. The URL is https://hostname:port, where hostname and port are the values that you set during installation. The initial user name is admin and the default password is admin.

Installation properties are stored in the [installation_folder]/docker-compose/.env file. You can edit the properties appropriate for your environment. The env file contains a description for all installation properties, including the following properties:

To complete installation, replace the supplied SSL public certificate and private key with your own copies. You can use OpenSSL to generate your own key with a command similar to the following example:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certifcate.pem

Place your self-generated key and certificate in the [Accelerate-install-folder/product_version_number/conf/ssl folder.

After you purchase the product, you receive a permanent access key, and a license key.

Parent topic: Installation